
AI Marketing: How Can You Make It Work For You?

In the 21st century, you are losing a competitive edge if you are not using innovative AI-powered solutions. You need to embrace AI-powered marketing tools and you will start seeing results in very little time. AI has done much more than marketing and enhancing every step of the customer journey.

AI-powered tools which were previously available to enterprise-level companies have now become available to medium and even small businesses. Then why not use them to grow your business and take it up a notch.

Here you shall find out how you can AI marketing work for you-

AI-Enhanced Advertising

Mostly pay per click ad campaigns are managed by in-house teams or PPC which is handled by humans. However, AI can help you discover much better advertising channels that are not being used by your competitors.

Marketing teams can use AI to create informed plans based on user experience. This can help to effectively place advertising and messaging. This can help in testing more advertising platforms and optimizing targeting. Facebook is using this same technique with its ad delivery optimization. This approach can also be used for PPC campaign data with the help of in-house or third-party AI tools.

In case you work with large-scale PPC campaigns, machine learning algorithms can be used to find different ways to optimize layouts, copyrighting, targeting, etc.

AI-powered Content Creation

The work of content creators can be made even more efficient with the help of natural language generation. Machines can be used to create content with simple rule sets and formats such as profit and loss summaries, sport game recaps, hotel descriptions, quarterly business reports, real-time stock insights, etc.

The AI-generated narrative is read as if it was written by a human. The rules and formats decide the data insights and writing style of the narrative. It can be easily established by the brand to serve its target audience. Furthermore, it can also be used to create engaging social media content for your target audience.

Content Creation Chatbots

Intelligent chatbots are a great option to provide custom support 24/7 without actually working 24/7. They can even create better-personalized content than humans. They have access to customer-centered data points. Also, they can gather location-specific requests to figure out patterns, spot recurring problems, and provide solutions to individual customers. These factors make chatbots an even better option than human alternatives.

Automated Image Recognition

If you have recently used Google Photos, you may have recognized that it has become quite efficient at recognizing people and images. The accuracy of Google Photos to recognize is approximately 99%. Popular brands like Amazon, Facebook, Pinterest are using Artificial Intelligence to identify people and images.

Image can create better sync between store visitors and online content. Stores can have facial recognition software which can easily recognize in-store visitors and link videos to their customer profiles. These can also be combined with AI-managed push notifications to send discount offers and welcome messages to individual customers.

Intelligent E-mail Content Curation

It takes hours for your team to compile and send emails to customer segments. Even smart subscriber segmentations cannot send personalized emails to individual customers. It is clear that personalized emails are much better and produce better results as compared to personalized content.

Algorithms can be used to map subscribers’ website experience and email browsing data to understand the individual reaction to a variety of content. Dynamic emails can be based upon previous website interactions, time spent on a page, wish list, previously read content or blogs, more popular content at a time, etc.

Smart Customer Engagement

Machine learning algorithms can help to identify disengaged customer segments that are about to leave for your competitors. Artificial intelligence can be helpful in providing tools that can gather data, build models, test and validate on a real audience. This information can also help in finding at which stage of churning your customer is.

Ai-powered churn prediction helps to analyze events and identify lowering customer engagement. For example, AI-powered software discovers lower usage time then it can send relevant offers, push notifications, emails, or discounts to your customers to keep them engaged.

Quick-churn customers or those who spend a little time using your product and then shift are usually hard to re-engage. While late-churn customers or those who have been in contact with your brand for a long time are easy to be incentivized to keep using your product.

AI-powered Customer Insights

Machine learning algorithms can help in identifying which customer segments should be considered or excluded from campaigns. Furthermore, it can help in matching customers to the products they are more likely to purchase.

Customer personas are created by AI algorithms based on lots of data including-

  • On-site interactions
  • Geo-specific events
  • Psychographic factors
  • Referral source
  • Purchase behavior
  • Past communication

Marketing Operations

Ai marketing can be used to increase efficiency and also automate tactical processes like sorting of marketing data, answering common customer questions, conduct security authorizations. This helps marketing teams to work better on strategic and analytical work.

Intelligent algorithms can personalize-

Website experience- It can be done by analyzing hundreds of data points of a single user like location, demographics, device, etc. Push-notifications- Behavioural personalization can send the right message to the right person at the right time in form of push notifications. You cannot study analytics at your site every second but AI can. It can easily recognize when data flow is low or the traffic visiting your site is high.

Bottom Line

Artificial intelligence is helpful in creating a personalized web experience, AI-powered customer insights, smart customer engagement, automated image recognition, and much more. Now that you have known AI provides so many benefits and can help in making your marketing strategy even better, you must start using it.

Technoraft can provide you with AI-powered tools to enhance your marketing strategy. With a solid understanding of machine learning and artificial intelligence, Techniraft can provide the best solutions tailored perfectly to fit your needs and demands.


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